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The iconography of Malcolm X. University Press of Kansas.
Abernethy, G. (2013).
Nature of the gothic(s)
The urban aesthetics of Ruskin and Engels. The Eighth Lamp: Ruskin Studies Today, 7, 68-86. Peck, G. (2012).
Realism and Victorian astronomy
The character and limits of critique in Thomas Hardy’s two on a tower. Pacific Coast Philogy, 46, 28-45.Peck, G. (2011).
Spenst, K. (2016).
Jabbering with bing bong. Anvil Press.
Spenst, K. (2015).
Hearts amok:A memoir in verse. Anvil Press.
Spenst, K. (2020).
fictional Middle Eastern countries in American media. Master’s thesis, University of British Columbia. Christensen, A. (2022).
Francis Ford Coppola’s vision of boyhood. Boyhood Studies: An Interdisciplinary Journal, 9(1), 6-21. Lewis, M. (2016).
In Oxford Bibliographies in Cinema and Media Studies. Ed. Krin Gabbard. New York: Oxford University Press. Coulthard, L., Stringer, M. (2023).
Binging on Netflix or philosophizing? Federation for the Humanities and Social Sciences.
Lewis, M. (2015, November 19)
International Journal of Canadian Studies, 56, 81-114. Hyland, Chris J. (2017).
Student life on the University of Alberta campus during the First World War.
In J. Keshen & A. Davies (Eds.), The frontier of patriotism (pp. 415-432). Calgary University Press. Hyland, C.J. & Stortz, P. (2016).
The Canadian Corps’ long march
Logistics, discipline and the occupation of the Rhineland. Canadian Military History, 21(2), 5-20. Hyland, C.J. (2012).
University of Toronto Press. Huebel, S. (2021).
Jewish Culture and History, 21(1), 24-41. Huebel, S. (2020).
Fear in the German-speaking world, 1600-2000, 165-194. Huebel, S. (2020).
Disguise and defiance: German-Jewish men and their ‘underground’ experiences in Nazi Germany, 1941-1945.
Shofar: An Interdisciplinary Journal of Jewish Studies, 36(3), 110-142. Huebel, S. (2018).
The Anatomical Record, 303(7), 1859-1864. Chua, M.D., Bogdan, A.C., & Guttman, J.A. (2020).
Klebsiella pneumoniae disassembles host microtubules in lung epithelial cells.
Cellular Microbiology,21(3), e12977. Chua, M.D., Liou, C.H., Bogdan, A.C., Law, H.T., Yeh, K.M., Lin, J.C., Siu, L.K., & Guttman, J.A. (2019).
The Anatomical Record, 301(12), 2103-2111. Chua, M.D., Walker, B.D., Jin, J.P., & Guttman, J. (2018).
Hsc70 is a component of bacterially generated actin-rich structures; an immunolocalization study.
The Anatomical Record, 301(12), 2095-2102. Walker, B.D., Chua, M.D., & Guttman, J. (2018).
SM22 is required for the maintenance of actin-rich structures generated during bacterial infections.
Experimental Cell Research, 369(1), 139-146. Chua, M.D., Hipolito, K.J., Singerr, O.B., Solway, J., & Guttman, J. (2018).
Mass spectrometry-based proteomics identification of enteropathogenic E. coli pedestal constituents.
Journal of Proteome Research, 14(6), 2520-2527. Law, H.T., Chua, M., Moon, K.M., Foster, L.J., & Guttman, J.A. (2015).
Journal of Microbiological Methods, 93(2), 153-160. Lo, K.Y., Chua, M.D., Abdulla, S., Law, H.T., & Guttman, J.A. (2013).
Liquid Crystal, 43(2), 184-194. Urbanski, M., Mirzaei, J., Sharma, A., Hofmann, D., Kitzerow, H.S., & Hegmann, T. (2015).
RSC Advances, 43, 34491-34496. Shukla, R.K., Mirzaei, J., Sharma, A., Hofmann, D., Hegmann, T., & Haase, W. (2015).
ChemPhysChem, 15(7), 1381-1394. Mirzaei, J., Urbanski, M., Kitzerow, H.S., & Hegmann, T. (2014).
ChemPhysChem, 15(7), 1395-1404. Urbanski, M., Mirzaei, J., Hegmann, T., Kitzerow, H.S. (2014).
Dispersions of functionalized gold nanoparticles in nematic liquid crystals.
German Conference on Liquid Crystals, P9, 105-109. Urbanski, M., Mirzaei, J., Hegmann, T., & Kitzerow, H.S. (2014).
Hydrophobic gold nanoparticles via silane conjugation
Chemically and thermally robust nanoparticles as dopants for nematic liquid crystals. Philosophical Transactions of the Royal Society, 371(1988), 20120256.Mirzaei, J., Urbanski, M., Kitzerow, H.S., & Hegmann, T. (2013).
Quantum dots as liquid crystal dopants.
Journal of Materials Chemistry, 42, 22350-22365. Mirzaei, J., Reznikov, M., & Hegmann, T. (2012).
Nanoparticles in liquid crystals and liquid crystalline nanoparticles.
Liquid Crystals, Topics in Current Chemistry Series, 318, 331-393. Stamatoiu, O., Mirzaei, J., Feng, X., & Hegmann, T. (2012).
Composites of gold nanoparticles and magic-sized quantum dots in nematic liquid crystal.
Proc. ICMEE. Mirzaei, J., Urbanski, M., Yu, K., Kitzerow, H.S., & Hegmann, T. (2012).
New developments in nanoparticle-liquid crystal composites.
From magic-sized semiconductor nanoclusters to alignment pattern formation via nanoparticle stenciling. SPIE Digital Library, 8279, 827983.Mirzaei, J., Sawatzky, R., Sharma, A., Urbanski, M., Yu, K., Kitzerow, H.S., & Hegmann, T. Proc. (2012).
Nanoparticles: Complex and multifaceted additives for liquid crystals.
Liquid Crystals, 38(11-12), 1495-1514. Shivakumar, U., Mirzaei, J., Feng, X., Sharma, A., Moreira, P., & Hegmann, T. (2011).
Nanocomposites of a nematic liquid crystal doped with magic-sized CdSe quantum dots.
Journal of Materials Chemistry, 34, 12710-12716. Mirzaei, J., Urbanski, M., Yu, K., Kitzerow, H.S., & Hegmann, T. (2011).
Journal of Heterocylic Chemistry, 45(3), 921-925. Mirzaei, J., Amini, M., Pirelahi, H., & Shafiee, A. (2008).
European Journal of Medicinal Chemistry, 43(8), 1575-1580. Mirzaei, J., Siavoshi, F., Emami, S., Safari, F., Khoshayand, M.R., Shafiee, A., & Foroumadi, A. (2008).
Synthesis and antibacterial activity of nitroaryl thiadiazole-levofloxacin hybrids.
Archiv der Pharmazie, 339(11), 621-624 Foroumadi, S., Mansouri, S., Emami, J., Mirzaei., M., Sorkhi, N., Saeid-Adeli, N., & Shafiee, A. (2006).
Lapierre, L., & Lisoněk, P. (2022).
Ancient Mesoamerica 35:538−561. Patino-Contreras, A., Alvarado Najarro, S. & Acuña M.J. (2024).
Ethnohistory 67 (4): 621−642. Patino-Contreras, A. (2020a).
Journal of Andean Archaeology 40 (1): 61-80. Patino-Contreras, A. (2020b).
Estudios de Cultura Maya XLVIII: 39-70. Patino-Contreras, A. (2016a).
Journal of Field Archaeology 41(4): 413−427. Patino-Contreras, A. (2016b).
Travaux et Recherches dans les Amériques du Centre 67:11-38. Patino, A. (2015).
Ethno-cultural organizations in changing social landscapes.
A case study of Portuguese organizations in Toronto.Canadian Ethnic Studies. 55(1), 47-79. Vieira, S. & Teixeira, J. C. (2023).
CAG 2023: 73rd annual meeting & conference. Anthropocene: Challenges for geography and geographers. Transitioning social landscapes: A case study of Portuguese ethno-cultural organizations in Toronto.
Université du Québec à Montréal. Montreal, Quebec, Canada. May 8-12. Vieira, S. & Teixeira, J.C. (2023).
Psychology & Neuroscience, 13(3), 424-437. Comeau, W., & Kolb, B. (2020).
Clinical and Experimental Research, 40(11), 2368-2376. Sliwowska, J.H., Comeau, W., Bodnar, T., Ellis, L., & Weinberg, J. (2016).
The Effects of alcohol exposure on fetal development.
In N. Reissland & B. S. Kisilevsky (Eds.), Fetal Development (pp. 331-364). Springer International Publishing. Dobson, C., Holman, P., & Comeau, W.L. (2016).
Prenatal alcohol exposure and adolescent stress produce increased sensitivity to stress and gonadal hormone influences on cognition in adult female rats.
Physiology & Behavior, 148(1), 157-165. Comeau, W.L., Lee, K., & Weinberg, J. (2015).
Prenatal alcohol exposure alters the developmental methylation profile of the rat hypothalamus.
International Journal of Developmental Neuroscience, 47(A) 109. Lussier, A., Comeau, W., Bodnar, T., Mingay, M., Hirst, M., Kobor, M., & Weinberg, J. (2015).
Amphetamine sensitization and cross-sensitization with acute restraint stress.
Impact of prenatal alcohol exposure in male and female rats. Psychopharmacology, 232, 1705-1716. Uban, K., Comeau, W., Bodnar, T., Yu, W., Galea, L.A., & Weinberg, J. (2014).
Prenatal alcohol exposure and adolescent stress.
Unmasking persistent attentional deficits in rats. European Journal of Neuroscience, 40(7), 3078-3095. Comeau, W.L., Winstanley, C.A., & Weinberg, J. (2014).
Prenatal alcohol exposure and adolescent adversity.
Long-lasting effects on cognition and drug response. Alcoholism: Clinical & Experimental Research, 36. Comeau, W.L., Winstanley,C.A., & Weinberg, J. (2012)
Learning-induced alterations in prefrontal cortical circuitry.
Behavioural Brain Research, 214(1), 91-101. Comeau, W., McDonald, R., & Kolb, B. (2010).
Asia Pacific Journal of Counselling and Psychotherapy, 9(2), 21-39. Tuliao, P., Hechanova, M.R., & Velasquez, P. (2018).
A discursive examination of client-centered therapy. Person-Centered & Experiential Psychotherapies, 17(3), 253-269. Velasquez, P., & Montiel, C. (2018).
Online counselling among Filipinos.
Do Internet-related variables matter? Asia Pacific Journal of Counselling and Psychotherapy, 8(1), 53-65.Tuliao, A. P., & Velasquez, P. A. (2017).
Intent to seek counseling among Filipinos.
Examining loss of face and gender. The Counseling Psychologist, 44(3), 353-382.Tuliao, A. P., Velasquez, P. A., Bello, A. M., & Pinson, M. J. (2016).
Revisiting the general help seeking questionnaire.
Adaptation, exploratory factor analysis, and further validation in a Filipino college student sample. Philippine Journal of Psychology, 47(1), 1-17. Tuliao, A., & Velasquez, P. (2014).
From “vital addition” to fatal distraction.
In D. Gosse (Ed.), About face: Essays on addiction, recovery, therapies, and controversies (pp. 214-237). Breakwater Books. Wong, B. (2019).
The focal attention window size explains letter substitution errors in reading.
Brain Sciences, 11, 247., Daini R, Primativo S, Albonico A, Veronelli L, Malaspina M, Corbo M, Martelli M, Arduino LS (2021).
Alternating dual-task interference between visual words and faces.
Brain Research, 1746: 147004. Furubacke A, Albonico A, Barton JJS (2020).
Search for face identity or expression.
Set-size effects in developmental prosopagnosia. Journal of Cognitive Neuroscience, 1-17. Djouab S, Albonico A, Yeung SC, Malaspina M, Mogard A, Wahlberg R, Corrow SL, Barton JJS (2020).
The face-number effect: A new test of face discrimination.
Vision Research, 162, 8-19. Hemstrom J, Albonico A, Barton JJS (2019).
Progress in perceptual research.
The case of prosopagnosia. F1000 Faculty Reviews, 8. Albonico A, Barton JJS (2019).
Object recognition in acquired and developmental prosopagnosia.
Cognitive Neuropsychology, 1-31. Barton JJS, Albonico A, Susilo T, Duchaine B, Corrow SL (2019).
Self-face and self-body advantages in congenital prosopagnosia.
Evidence for a common mechanism. Experimental Brain Research, 237(3), 673-686. Malaspina M, Albonico A, Daini R (2019).
Perceptual efficiency and the inversion effect for faces, words and houses.
Vision Research, 153, 91-97. Albonico A, Furubacke A, Barton JJS, Oruc I (2018).
Mapping self-face recognition strategies in congenital prosopagnosia.
Neuropsychology, 32(2): 123-137. Malaspina M, Albonico A, Lao J, Caldara R, Daini R (2018).
Focusing and orienting spatial attention differently modulate crowding in central and peripheral vision. Journal of Vision, 18(3): 4.
Albonico A, Martelli M, Bricolo E, Frasson E, Daini R (2018).
Diagnosing prosopagnosia.
The utility of visual noise in the Cambridge face recognition test. Perception, 46(3): 030100661775004. Corrow SL, Albonico A, Barton JJS (2018).
Italian normative data and validation of two neuropsychological tests of face recognition.
Benton facial recognition test and Cambridge face memory test. Neurological Sciences, 38(9), 1637-1643. Albonico A, Malaspina M, Daini R (2017).
Face perception in pure alexia.
Complementary contributions of the left fusiform gyrus to facial identity and facial speech processing. Cortex, 96: 59-72. Albonico A, Barton JJS (2017).
Target type modulates the effect of task demand on focal attention.
Vision, 1(2): 13. Albonico A, Malaspina M, Daini R (2017).
What do eye movements tell us about the visual perception of individuals with congenital prosopagnosia?
Neuropsychology, 31(5), 546. Malaspina M, Albonico A, Toneatto C, Daini R (2017).
Do people have insight into their face recognition abilities?
Quarterly Journal of Experimental Psychology, 1-16. Palermo R, Rossion B, Rhodes G, Laguesse R, Tez T, Hall B, Albonico A, Malaspina M, Daini R, Irons J, Al-Janabi S, Taylor E, Rivolta D, McKone E (2016).
Right perceptual bias and self-face recognition in individuals with congenital prosopagnosia.
Laterality: Asymmetries of Body, Brain and Cognition, 21(2), 118-142. Malaspina M, Albonico A, Daini R (2016).
Temporal dissociation between the focal and orientation component of spatial attention in central and peripheral vision.
Acta Psychologica, 171:85-92. Albonico A, Malaspina M, Bricolo E, Martelli M, Daini R (2016).
Something in the way people move: The benefit of facial movements in face identification.
Frontiers in Human Neuroscience. 6:1-8. Albonico A, Malaspina M, Daini R (2015).
Processing of emotional and non-emotional facial expression in individuals with Asperger’s Syndrome and high-functioning autism.
Giornale Italiano di Psicologia, 41(3): 573-590. Malaspina M, Albonico A, Daini R, Ricciardelli P (2014).
Dissociation in optokinetic stimulation sensitivity between omission and substitution reading errors in neglect dyslexia.
Frontiers in Human Neuroscience. 7: 1-10. Daini R, Albonico A, Malaspina M, Martelli M, Primativo S, Arduino LS (2013).
Blended learning for teaching during the COVID-19 pandemic. In Teaching in the post COVID-19 era.
World education dilemmas, teaching innovations and solutions in the age of crisis. Springer. Mazzucato, L., Babaee, N., Kazemi, A., Daeizadeh, Z., Kaur, N., Sode, O. (2022).
Similarities between urban and rural social enterprises, and the importance of social enterprises for marginalized youth.
Rural Policy Learning Commons (RPLC) Webinar Series, Rural Development Institute (RDI) and Brandon University. Simpson, L. & Hall, P. (November 26, 2020).
Balancing consistency and flexibility: Difficulties and successes in conducting a cross-Country Longitudinal Study with Youth Participants in Training Programs at Social Enterprises.
Lightning Round panel: Social enterprises, social entrepreneurship, & Social Innovation at the 13th annual conference of the Association for Non-profit and Social Economy Research (ANSER-ARES). Simpson, L. & Luk, A. (June 3, 2020).
Mid-term findings of the work-integration social enterprises longitudinal evaluation study with at-risk youth in Vancouver, British Columbia .
Lightning Round Panel: Social Enterprises, Social Entrepreneurship, & Social Innovation at the 13th annual conference of the Association for Non-profit and Social Economy Research (ANSER-ARES). Simpson, L. & Hall, P. (June 3, 2020).
Fostering student fragility: Sanctioning stress relief practices in post-secondary environments.
Higher Education – Counternarratives and the politics of diversity, policy, and Studenthoods at Changing Climates AAA/CASCA Joint Meeting, Vancouver, B.C. Simpson, L. (November 20, 2019).
Youth outcomes in Work integration social enterprises: BC & ON. Non-profits and the Social Economy: Circles of Conversation at the 12th annual conference of the Association for Non-profit and Social Economy Research (ANSER-ARES), Vancouver, B.C.
Simpson, L. & Hall, P. (June 6, 2019).
Collecting student subjectivities and imag(e)ning studenthood: A unique application of Photovoice.
University of Calgary’s graduate conference, Re/Collections: Free Exchange Interdisciplinary Graduate Conference, Calgary, A.B Simpson, L. (March 10, 2018).
Examining the drivers that create the disconnection between student culture and post-secondary institutional understandings.
Dalhousie Arts & Social Sciences Conference, Halifax, N.S. Simpson, L. (March 12, 2016).
Qualitative Health Research, 30(13), 2064-2076. Battalova, A., Bulk, L., Nimmon, L., Hole, R., Krupa, T., Mayer, Y., & Jarus, T. (2020).
Gender(ed) Lives: Feminist Activism in Contemporary Pakistan.
Takmeel Printers, Lahore, Pakistan. Awan, M. M., Ajaz, N., Rehman, Z., Gillani, R. A., Haider, J., Kalyar, J. A. (2023).
Studying Intersectionality in Research on Minority and Ethnic Women’s Leadership in Higher Education in Pakistan.
Journal of Gender and Social Issues, 22(2). Ajaz, N. (2023).
Single Motherhood Inflicted by Increased Widowhood and Divorce Amid Corona Virus Pandemic: Reflections to Reduce Women’s Vulnerability.
Human Nature Journal of Social Sciences, 3(3), 180-188. Ajaz, N., & Tabassum, S. (2022).
Pakistan Journal of Social Research, 4(03), 372-379. Ajaz, N., & Zakir, W. (2022).
Ambivalent subjectivities: experiences of mothers with disabilities in Russia.
Disability & Society, 34(6), 904-925. Battalova, A. (2019).
Negotiation of care practices by mothers with disabilities in Russia.
International Journal of Care and Caring, 3(4), 549-565. Battalova, A. (2019).
Feminist disability studies.
In T. Heller, S. Parker Harris, C. Gill, & R. Gould (Eds.), Disability in American life: An encyclopedia of concepts, policies, and controversies (pp. 282-285). ABC-CLIO. Battalova, A. (2019).
Interrupted trajectory: The experiences of disability and homeschooling in post-Soviet Russia.
In Silova, I., Millei, Z. & Piattoeva, N. (Eds.), Childhood and schooling in (Post) Socialist societies: Memories and experiences (pp. 163-182). Palgrave MacMillan. Battalova, A. (2017).
Love’s Refraction; Jealousy and compersion in queer women’s polyamorous relationships.
University of Toronto Press. Deri, J. (2015).
Doing pain “right:” The pleasures of pain in aerial dance.
In L. F. K. (Ed.), Dimensions of pain: Humanities and social science perspectives (pp. 94-106). Routledge. Deri, J., & Mendes, W. (2012).
University of Toronto Press. Deri, J. (2012).
Practicing peace: The Okinawan international martial arts community as a community of practice.
The IAFOR Academic Review, 1(5), 3-7. May, S. (2015).
International Review of Ryukyuan and Okinawan Studies ,3, 27-49. May, S. (2014).
Uchinaaguchi language reclamation in the martial arts community in Okinawa and abroad.
PJDOL, 7(1). Ajaz, N. (2021).
Teaching the Privileged? Observations on the (UN) Inclusiveness of Online Education during Pandemic.
Pakistan Administrative Review, 3(1), 27-34. Ajaz, N., & Zakir, W. (2019).
Gender, Health and Household Food Security: Evidence from Rural Pakistan.
Journal of Political Studies, 25(01), 215-231. Ajaz, N., & Zakir, W. (2018).
Equal Education for Everyone An Evaluation Report of National Plan of Action ICT.
Stud, 3(1). Ali, Z., & Ajaz, N. (2014).
Social media and Indo-Pak relations: Applying agenda setting theory.
International Journal of Health & Education, 3(1), 47-55. Ajaz, N., & Zakir, W. (2014).
Cost effectiveness of Open and Distance learning in Pakistan.
Stud, 2(4). Ajaz, N. (2013).
Beyond the father and family: A feminist ethnographic study on early marriage decision-making, women’s empowerment, and gender equality in rural Pakistan.
Ajaz, N. (2022).
Transferrable skills for life: TED-style insights and panel on significant learning.
In 2023: PDGIA conference proceedings – Key themes in higher education. PDGIA Journal of Higher Education. Dean’s Office. Roe, S.(2023).
Word of mouth: Oral assessment in the post-pandemic era.
Private Degree Granting Institutions Association Virtual Conference 2021. Dean’s Office. Roe, S., Cheung, K., & bat Joseph, L. (2021).
Academic Writing: The Complete Guide.
3rd Edition. Toronto: Canadian Scholars’ Press. Dean’s Office.Roe, S., den Ouden, P. (2018).
The digitization of course archives workflows at Alexander College Library.
BCLA Perspectives, (1). Library. Campos, R., Lindsay, C., & Haley, J. (2021).
Open education resources at Alexander College: Adopting for Accessibility.
Private Degree Granting Institutions Association Virtual Conference 2021. Library. Lindsay, C., & Haley, J. (2021).
University of Alberta. Writing & Learning Centre. CIwasaki, I. (2018).
Alexander College acknowledges that the land on which we usually gather is the traditional, ancestral and unceded territory of the Coast Salish peoples, including the territories of the xʷməθkwəy̓əm (Musqueam), Skwxwú7mesh (Squamish), and Səl̓ílwətaʔ/Selilwitulh (Tsleil-Waututh) Nations. We are grateful to have the opportunity to work in this territory.
Alexander College acknowledges that the land on which we usually gather is the traditional, ancestral and unceded territory of the Coast Salish peoples, including the territories of the xʷməθkwəy̓əm (Musqueam), Skwxwú7mesh (Squamish), and Səl̓ílwətaʔ/Selilwitulh (Tsleil-Waututh) Nations. We are grateful to have the opportunity to work in this territory.