ACV Campus Notice:

On Friday January 17, and Monday January 20, ACV Campus (570 Dunsmuir, Vancouver) will be closed during the demolition of an adjacent building on Dunsmuir. For Friday January 17, and Monday January 20, please check with your instructors as ACV classes may be held over Zoom. The ACV campus will re-open as usual on Tuesday January 21. The ACB Burnaby campus is unaffected and will remain open as usual during this time.

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Alexander College Library at Burnaby campus

Library Services

For Students

AC students, faculty, and staff are permitted to borrow physical library materials such as: books, DVDs, laptops, and more.

All library users are required to provide their Alexander College ID card when withdrawing books from the library. Government Photo ID (Passport, BC ID, BC Driver’s License, etc.) with student number is also acceptable. All users are responsible for all items on their library account. It is the user’s responsibility to check due dates.

AC Library users can place holds on items that are not currently on the shelves. To do this, library users will need to make a hold request with Library staff. This can be done in-person, over the phone, or by email. When a user places a hold on an item that is already checked out by another user it is called a ‘recall’. Items that have been recalled cannot be renewed as someone else is waiting for the item. If you have questions on how to place a hold on an item or if one of the items you have on your account can be renewed, please ask our library staff.

All library users are responsible for returning all items borrowed from the library on time and in good condition. The due date will either be communicated orally or when possible a date stamp will be used. Students are allowed to renew items (note: some materials are not allowed to be renewed), however, if the item is recalled the student must return the item on its original due date.

Item Type Library Loan Periods
Books 21 Days
Course Reserves (textbooks & films)* 3 Hours (or as directed by instructor)
Previous Edition of Textbooks 7 Days
DVDs 7 Days
Video Games 3 and 7 Days
Audio Visual Equipment* 4 Hours
Laptops* 4 Hours
Short Term Loans 3 Days
Reference (dictionaries) 3 Hours
Language Books (French & Spanish) 21 Days

*Students will not be permitted to borrow 3 or 4 hour items (such as textbooks, or AV equipment) as of 10min before closing. Laptops cannot be borrowed as of 1 hour before closing.

All library items must be returned to the library on time. Any items that are late will result in suspension of borrowing privileges until all late items are returned to the library. Unreturned overdue items may also result in other College services and privileges being revoked, based on administrative discretion. Students who have any monetary fines on their account must settle the balance before graduation (will not be able to order graduation documents or alumni card). All items must be returned either to a library staff member directly or to the library return book bin at the circulation desk.

Item Type Library Loan Periods Late Fee/Policy
Books 21 Days $0
Course Reserves (textbooks & films)* 3 Hours (or as directed by instructor) $2/hr to a maximum of $20 per item
Previous Edition of Textbooks 7 Days $2/day to a maximum of $20 per item
DVDs 7 Days $0
Video Games 3 and 7 Days $0
Audio Visual Equipment* 4 Hours $2/hr and max $20 per item
Laptops 4 Hours $20/hr and max $100 per item
Short Term Loans 3 Days $2/day to a maximum of $20 per item
Reference (dictionaries) 3 Hours $0
Language Books (French & Spanish) 21 Days $0

Inconvenience & Processing Fees may apply to any item type.

Lost charges will be applied for items more than 30 days overdue.

Any items that are late will result in suspension of borrowing privileges until all late items are returned to the library. Students with fines on their accounts must pay the fine at Bookstore before they can check out any other Library materials.

Unreturned overdue items may also result in other College services and privileges being revoked, based on administrative discretion.

Students who have any monetary fines on their account must settle the balance before graduation. Failure to do so will effect student’s ability to order graduation documents or an alumni card.

Any item more than 30 days overdue is considered lost. Replacement costs include the current price of the item, new, (or, if this is not available, a default price). If library materials have suffered abnormal wear and tear, the borrower will be responsible for the associated replacement cost. Library staff members are responsible for using their judgment to decide what abnormal wear and tear is.

AC students are permitted to use the computers in the library to support their studies. More information on the student computer use policy can be found on our policy page.

In partnership with ACSA and Student Life, the AC Library is proud to announce our laptop lending program! 17 laptops will be available for 4 hour student borrowing. Before you borrow a laptop, please review and agree to our laptop lending policies by completing the form below:

Complete the Laptop Lending Form

For more information on laptop lending policies, please see our policy page.

The Library has 2 study rooms at each campus with priority booking for students. Students must book the rooms online in order to use the spaces.

Study Room Policy

Only 4 students are allowed in the room at one time. Rooms can be booked for 1 hour at a time and only 2 hours per day. Study rooms are not for personal use. No sleeping/napping in the study room. Food is not allowed. Covered drinks are allowed. The door must be unlocked at all times. No extra chairs or tables can be brought into the room, and chairs and tables can not be taken out of the room. If you are 15 minutes late the room may be given to a different group. If there is no one in the room for longer than 15 minutes, we will assume you are finished with the room.

Failure to comply with these rules will result in one formal warning and any subsequent warnings will be followed by suspension for room booking privileges for the remainder of the semester.



AC students can obtain research help online by booking a 1-1 appointment with an AC Library staff member. Instructions on how to book an appointment can be found below or by watching our how-to video.

AskAway online chat is another option for research help from trained library professionals. You can access AskAway through the pop-up when you’re searching in the Library databases, or thorugh the chat box available here when the service is open.

There are also a variety of Research Guides, videos, infographics, and activities on the Library Research Help page which can be used by students independently to learn how to conduct research at the college/university level.

Go to the Writing and Learning Center webpage, and scroll down to ‘Book an Appointment’. Click ‘Sign Up’ if you do not yet have a WLC account. You must use your MyAC email address to create your account. Click ‘Login’. Enter your email address and password for your WLC account. Click on Schedule 05. ONLINE Library Research Help for a virtual appointment. Click on Schedule 04. IN PERSON Library Research Help for an appointment in-person (on campus). Find a white box, which means the time slot is free for you to book. Click on the box, and fill out the information. Be sure to put as much detail as you can in the “What would you like to work on today?” section. You will get an email to your email address with the appointment confirmation. It will tell you the date and time of your appointment, and the name of the Library staff member that you booked with. If you booked a virtual appointment, click on link in your email at the date and time of your appointment. If you booked an in-person appointment, come to the Library desk at the date and time of your appointment.

Creating a Printing Account

Use Alexander College’s printing management system called Papercut. To use AC printing services you must register for an account. PDF instructions on how to print can be found here:PAPERCUT – web printing instructions

  1. Register as a new user here.
  2. Click “register as a new user” and fill out the information requested. *Please make sure to make both your username and your identity number your student number.
    1. Using the username and password log in to PaperCut.
    2. Click “add credit”
  3. Students then use PayPal to add funds to their account, funds can be added via credit card or visa debit card
  4. Funds can be added in the amount of $1, $2, $5 or $10.
  5. Students are responsible for managing their own accounts.

Printing and scanning services are available to AC students at the ACB campus Library. Please view the printing and scanning page for more information on how to use and cost.

Managing Your Account

It is your responsibility to manage your AC printing account; Library staff are not responsible for lost or forgotten account information (eg. username, password).

Printing and Photocopying

Web Printing – (printing from a Library computer)

  1. Open the Papercut shortcut on a Library computer desktop or on the taskbar.
  2. Log in to papercut typing your username and password; if you have not registered for an account, click Register as a new user. If you need to add funds, you can do so by clicking “Add Credit”.
  3. Click the “Web Print” link in the left navigation menu.
  4. Click “Submit a Job” to start the Web Print Wizard.
  5. Put the number of copies you want to make. Then upload documents from your computer.
  6. After you select a document then click “Upload & Complete”.
  7. Once the document upload is complete, go to one of the Xerox printers and login using your PaperCut username and password, then select the job to release (print) your document.

Printing Cost

Printing and photocopying:

  • B&W – 8.5 x 11 size paper – $0.15/per printed side.
  • Color – 8.5 x 11 size paper – $0.40/per printed side.


It is your responsibility to tell the library staff of any issues you may have. Library staff are not responsible for any printing errors. Refunds will only be issued by the librarians and library assistants on a case-by-case basis when technical issues occur. Please speak to library staff for more information.

Old Accounts

Accounts will be deleted after being inactive for one year. Inactive accounts will also forfeit any remaining funds.

Students must have a physical student ID issued by Alexander College to be eligible to write exams. Physical ID cards are required for in-person exams and borrowing physical library materials. To get an AC Student ID card, students will need to bring a government-issued photo ID (eg. passport, BC ID, Canadian driver’s license, or permanent residency card) to the Library.

A member of the Library Team will take a photo of each student for the ID Card, which will also be added to the Student myAC account. Please note that the Library Team cannot accept student supplied photos for ID cards.

If you have questions about the ID card process, please email

Lost or Stolen Cards

Lost or Stolen Cards should be reported to the library. To obtain a new card a $25 (includes tax) replacement fee will apply. The fee can be applied to the student’s myAC account to be paid via credit card, or payment can be made at the bookstore. For bookstore payments students must present the receipt at the library along with an approved form of government-issued photo ID such as a passport, BC identification Card/BC Drivers License with a photo, or Permanent Residency Card.

Replacement Cards

Replacement cards are issued at a cost of $25, tax included. The fee can be applied to the student’s myAC account to be paid via credit card, or payment can be made at the bookstore. For bookstore payments students must present the receipt at the library along with an approved form of government-issued photo ID such as a passport, BC identification Card/BC Drivers License with a photo, or Permanent Residency Card.

Expired Cards

Enrolled students can request a new student ID if their old ID has expired. Reprints for expired cards are issued for free. To obtain a replacement for an expired card students must present their expired card to the library.

For Staff/Faculty

We are happy to provides Information Literacy (IL) sessions as per instructor’s request. These workshops are customized to your course and assignment(s). Topics covered include (but are not limited to):

  • Types of information resources & how to use them for assignments (e.g. books, articles, websites).
  • How to revise and refine a research topic.
  • How to access and search the research databases.
  • And more! We’re happy to collaborate with you.

Librarians will create and provide faculty with PowerPoint Slides with the IL session content, as well as in-class learning activities. Some active learning activities we can include (but are not limited to):

  • Developing keywords activity
  • Comparing types of sources activity
  • Research Worksheet – please let us know if you would like to assign a worksheet, and we can collaborate on what this entails.

Librarians will also collect student surveys to obtain feedback on the session for review.

The AC Library is pleased to have the Research 101 Canvas Course available to students! This self-study course (students self-enroll) is designed to help students learn how to do their research independently. The module includes an introduction to conducting research through the library (including information about the peer review process, how to select and narrow a topic, and how to evaluate different sources of information), and a sample tour of how to conduct keyword searches in the AC provided databases for a total of 45 minutes of video content. Slides for each section are available for students to download. At the end of the module, there is a brief Canvas Quiz (automatically graded) to help students check their understanding.

Please note that there is no requirement to book a follow-up appointment with a member of the Library Team for the module to be considered complete. Students are welcome to book a research appointment (via WC Online) if they have questions.

For instructors who offer participation points in return for completing a Library Research Appointment, please instruct your students to attend their appointment prepared with a topic for research (ie. Booking an appointment to ‘review Research 101’ is not recommended unless the student has specific questions they would like to cover).

To enroll in Library Research 101, please click the button.

Library Research 101

All Alexander College Instructors can place materials on Reserve in the library. To submit a course reserve request, please email with the title of the item, course number and section, as well as length of the loan. Items may be placed on 3-hr, 3-day, or 7-day loan. Please note that course reserves are first come first serve basis. We will try to accommodate as many requests as possible.

OER Materials

Initially created to support faculty as they move to online courses at the start of the COVID-19 Pandemic, the Spring2020_AlternativeTextbookOptions_OER document can still support AC faculty for possible open access resources for their current and future courses. If you have questions or need support for finding open access resources and textbooks, please reach out to

Film Reserves

If you are planning on showing a film in your class from the library, please send us an email with the title of the film and date you wish to show it so we can try to put it aside for you. Please note film reserves are first come first serve. We will try to accommodate as many requests as possible.

The Library welcomes recommendations for additional resources for the library collection to support courses offered at Alexander College, if needed. Each faculty member has a budget per course taught for supplementary materials. For further information please contact

Alexander College has access to over 3,000 of Kanopy films; however, not all Kanopy films are included in AC’s package. Some instructors may wish to request additional titles through Kanopy. Please follow the steps outlined in the Kanopy Request Guide in order to do so.

The new Burnaby Campus Library has 1 room with priority booking for AC Faculty and Staff for meetings and office hours. Rooms must be booked in advanced and may be cancelled or resecheduled for accommodations purposes. Bookings are for a maximum of 2hrs per slot and available times are shown on the calendar. To book a room please follow the link below:


Book Room L280


Book Room 513

For more instructions on how to book using our room booking software, please refer to our short Meeting Room Booking Guide.

Staff and Faculty can obtain their College photo IDs from the Library. Library staff may require some information from Staff or Faculty in order to verify identity (eg. department name, position title). An AC Faculty/Staff ID card is required in order to borrow Library materials.

ONLINE SEMESTER UPDATE:AC adheres to Fair Dealing as outlined in the Canadian Copyright Act. Faculty must ensure that they are providing access to course readings ethically and legally.

Trosow and Macklem (2020) outline the factors to consider in this time of emergency and sharing course readings in learning management systems (i.e. Canvas). When in doubt, link out! Please do not share links to content that is obviously not shared legally or ethically. Students should not share or post course readings outside of Canvas without permission. For further questions related to copyright, please contact the Library (

Last Updated: June 26th, 2020

Alexander College students, staff, and faculty are creators and consumers of intellectual content. The College adheres to Fair Dealing guidelines as outlined in the Canadian Copyright Act. Each member of the College is responsible for ensuring they follow the policies and standards outlined by the Act.

Copyright refers to “the sole right to produce or reproduce the work or any substantial part thereof in any material form whatever, to perform the work or any substantial part thereof in public or, if the work is unpublished, to publish the work or any substantial part thereof” (Copyright Act, R.S.C., 1985, c. C-42, 3).

Infringing copyright refers to “for any person to do, without the consent of the owner of the copyright, anything that by this Act only the owner of the copyright has the right to do” (Copyright Act, R.S.C., 1985, c. C-42, 27).

In some instances, we can use other people’s work without having to obtain copyright permission – this is called Fair Dealing. Fair Dealing includes uses for:

  • Research & private study
  • Education
  • Parody or satire
  • Criticism or review (requires mention of the source and author of work)
  • News reporting (requires mention of the source and author of work)

The Supreme Court of Canada has stated that decisions on whether copying a work is considered “fair” must also take into consideration the following factors:

  • The character of the proposed copying – does it include single or multiple copies, and is the copy destroyed after its intended use?
  • The amount of the dealing, including the proportion of the proposed copy and the importance of the excerpt copied in relation to the entire work
  • Alternatives to copying the work, and whether a non-copyrighted equivalent is available
  • The nature of the work itself – is it published or unpublished?
  • The effect that copying the work will have – will the excerpt compete in the commercial market with the original work?

Copyright at other private colleges: Quest, Ryerson, TWU (Access Copyright).

Instructors & Staff

Alexander College instructors are responsible for abiding by Canada’s Copyright Act, and the College’s copyright policies. Under Fair Dealing, instructors are allowed to copy or distribute a short excerpt or a copyright protected work for the purposes of: research, private study, education, parody, satire, criticism, review, or news reporting. These excerpts can be part of: class handouts, email messages, posts in Canvas, part of a classroom presentation or lecture, or as part of a course pack sold through the AC Bookstore.

Please note that copying multiple short excerpts from the same copyright protected work, with the intention of reproducing amounts beyond the fair dealing limits, is prohibited. A short excerpt is defined as:

  • up to 10% of a copyright-protected work (including a literary work, musical score, sound recording, and an audiovisual work)
  • one chapter from a book
  • a single article from a periodical
  • an entire artistic work (including a painting, print, photograph, diagram, drawing, map, chart, and plan) from a copyright-protected work containing other artistic works
  • an entire newspaper article or page
  • an entire single poem or musical score from a copyright-protected work containing other poems or musical scores
  • an entire entry from an encyclopedia, annotated bibliography, dictionary or similar reference work provided that in each case, no more of the work is copied than is required in order to achieve the allowable purpose. (Ryerson University Library, 2013)

Audiovisual Materials

The changes to copyright in the recent Copyright Modernization Act (for more information see Bill C-11) now allow instructors to show DVDs and television programs in the classroom and for educational purposes without the previously required licenses, though application for private institutions remains restricted by licensing. DVDs must be purchased copies, and they cannot be home-recorded, burnt or rented video recordings.

Most major studios are already licensed through a public performance rights subscription. The licenses are with the two leading Canadian PPR licensing agencies, Audio Cine Films (ACF) and Criterion Pictures. Each agency represents a number of studios, and their license is a “blanket license” covering all or almost all films produced by the studio.

Between them the two agencies cover almost all of the major US and Canadian studios and production companies, and many independent producers and foreign films. If you would like to show a video in the classroom, please consult the librarian at either campus to ensure the appropriate licensing is in place to support your instruction.

Please do not attempt to download or digitize any streaming content (such as YouTube videos) without consultation with the Library. Requests of this nature will be handled on a case by case basis to ensure copyright is not violated.

YouTube videos (and other online videos) can be streamed and shown in classrooms as long as there is no explicit information on the video demanding copyright protection. If the video has been posted by the copyright owner (i.e. has not been reposted through a secondary YouTube member) and has no warnings to the contrary, instructors are allowed to play these streaming videos live in their classrooms. Please do not play or link to any material that you know, or suspect, has been illegally posted to a streaming site. For more information about copyright and YouTube videos, please see YouTube’s information page.

Please refer to Canada’s updated Copyright Act. For more information or for clarification, please visit the librarians at either campus.

Content for Asynchronous Courses

Audiovisual Content

AC Policy for films, documentaries, and other audiovisual content that are permitted to be used for asynchronous courses are only those that can be accessed from AC Library databases (e.g. Kanopy, NFB Campus) or those that are available as public domain.

AC Library cannot digitize materials for streaming that are commercially available on streaming sites or have licensing restrictions. Content that is not permitted or is an infringement of copyright is not be acceptable course material.

For information about using copyright free images check out the tools to help section of this guide.

Please note: Films assigned for student viewing outside of those available through AC Library databases may not be accessible for students due to monetary factors and a country’s geo-blocking restrictions. Some viewing sessions for students may be possible, but must be balanced with the asynchronous nature of the course, which should privilege information sharing outside of constraints like time and place.

Course Readings, etc.

AC Policy for course readings and other materials that are permitted to be used for asynchronous courses must be available through AC databases, available as Open Educational Resources, Open Access, or Public Domain works. For more information, please see AC Library’s resource list of Open Education Resources available to Faculty by material type.


For students, copyright is important when writing papers, making presentations, and accessing course readings. Students at Alexander College are subject to adhere to Canada’s Copyright Act and the College’s Copyright Policies when completing coursework or assignments including papers, projects, and presentations. Students will be subject to Fair Dealing exceptions when using copyright protected work in their assignments.

Students should note that instructors own copyright over their teaching materials (presentations, slides, exams, lectures and lecture notes), and students cannot copy these works without the instructor’s permission, unless under a Fair Dealing exception as outlined in the Copyright Act.

Students should also note that they own copyright for the materials they create while at AC. As such, student presentations, projects, and assignments cannot be copied without the student’s permission.

AC Students are expected to conduct themselves in a manner consistent with a high level of academic integrity. This means that students are expected to avoid plagiarism by citing their sources. Students can learn more about how to properly cite their sources from AC’s Writing and Learning Centre.

Tools to Help

Copyright-free Image Sources

This section lists websites where staff, faculty, and students can find images that have open licenses. These sites are useful for when you want to include images in presentations. Check each website to see the conditions of use.

Creative Commons

Flickr Commons

Wikimedia Commons



For more on public domain images visit this Public Domain guide from the University of Toronto.

Research & Citation Help Tools

There are software programs available to download free online that can help you gather and manage citations for electronic content.



Alexander College acknowledges that the land on which we usually gather is the traditional, ancestral and unceded territory of the Coast Salish peoples, including the territories of the xʷməθkwəy̓əm (Musqueam), Skwxwú7mesh (Squamish), and Səl̓ílwətaʔ/Selilwitulh (Tsleil-Waututh) Nations. We are grateful to have the opportunity to work in this territory.

Alexander College acknowledges that the land on which we usually gather is the traditional, ancestral and unceded territory of the Coast Salish peoples, including the territories of the xʷməθkwəy̓əm (Musqueam), Skwxwú7mesh (Squamish), and Səl̓ílwətaʔ/Selilwitulh (Tsleil-Waututh) Nations. We are grateful to have the opportunity to work in this territory.